Tuesday 6.13.17

Accessory and Balance Work
A. 4 rounds without rest of:
15 sec AMRAP of side raises (palms down)
15 sec of Hercules Hold (thumbs facing up)
Rest 1 minute, then…
B. 4 rounds without rest of:
15sec of AMRAP side raises (thumbs up)
15sec of Hercules Hold (palms up)
Rest 1 minute, then…
C. 2 rounds without rest of:
30 sec AMRAP of Dumbbell Presses with neutral grip
30 sec Dumbbell OH Hold
Rest 1 minute, then repeat A, B and C
RX L1 L2
6 Rounds:
13 Thrusters (95/65)
14 Pull-Ups
6 Rounds:
13 Thrusters (75/45)
14 Pull-Ups\Ring Rows
6 Rounds:
13 Thrusters (Coaches Choice)
14 Ring Rows


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