Thursday 11.9.17

“Big Clean Complex” 6 Sets: High Hang Squat Clean – Hang Squat Clean – Squat Clean – Push Press High Hang Squat Clean – Hang Squat Clean – Squat Clean – Push Jerk High Hang Squat Clean – Hang Squat Clean – Squat Clean – Split Jerk

Wednesday 11.8.17

Supinated Barbell Rows & Heavy Dips EMOMx5, 5 barbell rows and 5 dips, both in each min. DB Lunges & DB Presses & DB Front Squats & Farmer Carry AMRAP 6mns – 50′ DB Lunges, 5 DB Presses, 5 DB Front Squats, 50’ Farmers Carry Sandbag Press & Push Ups & Rope Pulls 2 sets

Tuesday 11.7.17

AMRAP 4: 27 Cal Row 27 Burpees 27 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups Rest 4:00 AMRAP 4: 21 Cal Row 21 Burpees 21 TTB\V-Ups Rest 4:00 AMRAP 4: 15 Cal Row 15 Burpees 15 Pull-ups Rx – C2B,TTB,Pull-Ups L1 – Pull-Ups\V-Ups\Ring Rows L2 – Coaches Choice

Saturday 11.4.17

As many reps as possible in 15 minutes with a *partner: 200m Run Max Front Squats Rx – (135/95) L1 – (115/80) L2 – Coaches Choice *Partner does a full round until failure, then tags the other partner

Wednesday 11.1.17

A. Sumo Deadlift – TYQ 7 Reps @ 60% BW Maintain Control and Tension Through Each Set B. Barbell Ab-Wheel + Barbell Row (40%) EMOMx5, 5 reps each C. Tabata Row immediately into Tabata Air Squats