Wednesday 6.21.17

RX L1 L2
This is our first week in another new progression on the Olympic lifts.
Each week, the loading, repetitions, and time domains will adjust.
Starting on the 0:00…
Every Minute on the Minute x 6
3 Squat Snatches (65%)Rest 4:00

Starting on the 10:00…
Every Minute on the Minute x 6
3 Squat Clean and Jerks (65%)
Rest 4:00
Starting at the 20:00
“Death by Strict Handstand Pushups”
Complete 1 Rep on the First Minute
Complete 2 Reps on the Second Minute
… And so on until…

This is our first week in another new progression on the Olympic lifts.
Each week, the loading, repetitions, and time domains will adjust.
Starting on the 0:00…
Every Minute on the Minute x 6
3 Squat Snatches (65%)Rest 4:00

Starting on the 10:00…
Every Minute on the Minute x 6
3 Squat Clean and Jerks (65%)
Rest 4:00
Starting at the 20:00
“Death by Pike Handstand Pushups”
Complete 1 Rep on the First Minute
Complete 2 Reps on the Second Minute
… And so on until…

This is our first week in another new progression on the Olympic lifts.
Each week, the loading, repetitions, and time domains will adjust.
Starting on the 0:00…
Every Minute on the Minute x 6
3 Squat Snatches (65%)Rest 4:00

Starting on the 10:00…
Every Minute on the Minute x 6
3 Squat Clean and Jerks (65%)
Rest 4:00
Starting at the 20:00
“Death by Strict Press”
Complete 1 Rep on the First Minute
Complete 2 Reps on the Second Minute
… And so on until…

| HANDSTAND DRILL | —————– #cfgcoach @estradaflys shares one of her favorite drills with us for improving handstand balance and handstand walking. ———————- First start by using only one leg (probably your dominant leg aka trail leg) to push off the box. ———————— As you gain more body control and awareness, use less of a push off and initiate the movement by leaning into the fingertips and opening the shoulders by driving the floor away from you (active shoulder). ———————— Next progression from there is to alternate legs. This can also be used to develop muscular endurance in the shoulders and back that will improve HSPU and and handstand walking. ———————— ?As always spotter and mats for safety? ———————— #cfgymnastics #cfgcoach #crossfit #crossfittraining #unitedbymotion #chillpill #gymgypsy #crossfitjääkarhu @cfgymnastics @karhustrength

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