Tuesday 6.14.16

Fitness RX

Fitness Option 1 Fitness Option 2

10 Super Sets of:
5 Push Press
5 Dead Lifts

Rest 1 minute between rounds, you choose the weights.


“Strict Nicole”
AMRAP 20 of:
400m Run + Max reps of unbroken Strict Pull ups – every time you come off the bar run another 400m



10 Super Sets of:
5 Push Press
5 Dead Lifts

Rest 1 minute between rounds, Coach choose the weights.


“Strict Nicole”
AMRAP 20 of:
400m Run + Max reps of unbroken Strict Pull ups – every time you come off the bar run another 400m



10 Super Sets of:
5 Push Press
5 Dead Lifts

Rest 1 minute between rounds, Coach choose the weights.


“Strict Nicole”
AMRAP 20 of:
400m Run + Max reps of unbroken ring rows – every time you fail to complete a ring row run another 400m