Wednesday 11.9.16

Fitness RX Fitness Level 1 Fitness Level 2
40 Cal Bike
20 Strict TTB
30 Cal Bike
10 Strict TTB
20 Cal Bike
5 Strict TTB
40 Cal Bike
30 Situps
20 Strict TTB
30 Cal Bike
20 Situps
10 Strict TTB
20 Cal Bike
10 Situps
5 Strict TTB
40 Cal Bike
30 Situps
20 Knee-Ups
30 Cal Bike
20 Situps
10 Knee-Ups
20 Cal Bike
10 Situps
5 Strict TTB

You can view our current schedule on our Box Calendar and Registration Board.

You can login to our scheduling and manage your account with the Triib App from Apple on iTunes or Android on Google Play.


A photo posted by Rory Zambard (@rzambard) on