Monday 11.20.17

AMRAP 5: Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20″) Rest 5:00 AMRAP 4: 10m Shuttle Runs Rest 4:00 AMRAP 3: Power Cleans (You choose the weight) Guys: 75, 95, 135, 155 Girls: 55, 65, 95, 105 Rest 3:00 AMRAP 2: Wallball Shots (20/14/10/5) Rest 2:00 AMRAP 1: Max Unbroken Pull-Ups\Ring Rows Rx\L1\L2 – Coaches Choice – Coach\Athlete

Sunday 11.19.17

Teams of 2: 3 rounds for time: 4 minute row for max meters 30 KB Deadlifts **Teammates will alternate the row every 30 seconds and switch back and forth every 5 reps on the DL. Teammates must tag to switch roles Following the workout, each athlete will use the rest of the class time to

Saturday 11.18.17

Teams of 2 must complete the following with running clock for 35 minutes: Minute 0:00 -10:00 Build to a Heavy Front squat for both people w/ perfect form Minute 10:00 – 15:00 AMRAP Cal Row (switching whenever you want to) Minute 15:00 -25:00 ~amrap the following: (alternating each round) 8 sit ups 6 kb thrusters

Thursday 11.16.17

AMRAP 22: 22 MedBall Cleans 22 DB Snatches 22 Box Jumps 22 Push Press 22 Calorie Row Rx – MB (20/14),DB (40/20),BJ (24/20) L1 – MB (20/14),DB (30/10),BJ\Steps (24/20)​​ L2 – Coaches Choice

Tuesday 11.14.17

World Diabetes Day Workout Provided by Daniel Chapman Awareness Workout Provided by member Daniel Chapman​ 11 Front Squats 14 Power Cleans 19 Burpees 21 Pull-Ups 109 Wallballs (20,14) 21 Pull-Ups 19 Burpees 14 Power Cleans 11 Front Squats Rx – BB (155,105) WB (20,14) L1 – BB (95,65) WB (20,14) L2 – Coaches Choice