AMRAP 4: |
PERFORMANCE AMRAP 4: 27 Calorie Row 27 Burpees 27 Pull-ups Rest 4:00 AMRAP 4: 21 Calorie Row 21 Burpees 21 TTB Rest 4:00 |
OPEN AMRAP 4: 27 Calorie Row 27 Burpees 27 C2B Pull-ups Rest 4:00 AMRAP 4: 21 Calorie Row 21 Burpees 21 TTB Rest 4:00 AMRAP 4: 15 Calorie Row 15 Burpees 15 C2B Pull-ups |
Goal: Round 1 – 1RD Round 2 – 1RD Round 2 – 2RD
Given how we have equal part rest to work (4:00 off between intervals), we can train at a higher intensity than if it were a 12:00 minute AMRAP (total working time). Higher intensity equals higher power, which is the fast track to results. |