GPP AMRAP 4 15-12-9 Wallballs (20/14) Pull-ups/Ring Rows Max Calorie Row in Time Remaining Rest 4 minutes AMRAP 4 15-12-9 Wallballs (20/14) Knees to Chest Max Calorie Row in Time Remaining rest 4 minutes AMRAP 4 15-12-9 Wallballs (20/14) Pull-ups/Ring Rows Max Calorie Row in Time Remaining |
AMRAP 4 15-12-9 Wallballs (20/14) C2B Max Calorie Row in Time Remaining Rest 4 minutes AMRAP 4 15-12-9 Wallballs (20/14) Knees to Chest Max Calorie Row in Time Remaining rest 4 minutes AMRAP 4 15-12-9 Wallballs (20/14) Pull-ups/Ring Rows Max Calorie Row in Time Remaining |
AMRAP 4 15-12-9 Wallball (30/20) GHD Sit-ups Max Calorie Assault Bike in time remaining rest 4 minutes AMRAP 4 15-12-9 Wallball (30/20) Toes to Bar Max Calorie Assault Bike in time remaining rest 4 minutes AMRAP 4 15-12-9 Wallball (30/20) GHD Sit-ups Max Calorie Assault Bike in time remaining |
Goal: 227 to 315 Reps |