StoneCutter will resume normal hours on Wednesday 8.30.17 A reminder that to support those affected by Harvey that we will open our doors to anyone who needs a place to train, find friends, or put in requests for assistance to our community.  Please share and invite anyone. See you on the floor. 

Tuesday 8.29.17

AMRAP 5: 30/20 Calorie Row 10 Toes to Bar Rest 5:00 AMRAP 5: 15/10 Calorie Row 15 Kettlebell Swings Rx – KBS (53/35)\TTB L1 – KBS (40/20)\TTB or Knee-Ups L2 – Coaches Choice

Gym Closure – Monday – 8.28.17

Monday, August 28: The gym will be closed today due to flooding in the surrounding area and servicing roads. Please stay tuned to the StoneCutter social media feeds or reach out to Coach Josh for updates on road conditions and hours. We will keep you updated daily.

Gym Closure – Sunday – 8.27.17

Sunday, August 27: The gym will be closed today due to flooding in the surrounding area and servicing roads. Hufsmith-Khorville is under water. Please stay tuned to the StoneCutter social media feeds or reach out to Coach Josh for updates on road conditions and hours. We will keep you updated daily.

Saturday 8.26.17

AMRAP 7 6 American KBS 11 Push Press 3 minute rest and then… AMRAP 7 18 Wall balls 12 Burpees Rx – KBS (53,35) PP (115/75), WB (20\14) L1 – KBS (35,20) PP (95/55), WB (20\14) L2 – Coaches Choice