Friday 9.13.19
GPP For time: 400m Run DB Fran, 20/35 400m Run DB Fran, 20/35 Run 400 m PERFORMANCE For time: 400m Run DB Fran, 25/40 400m Run DB Fran, 20/40 Run 400 m OPEN For time: 400m Run DB Fran, 35/50 400m Run DB Fran, 35/50 Run 400 m
Thursday 9.12.19
GPP- PERFORMANCE – OPEN 4 Supersets 12 DB Deadlifts – Heels Elevated 40″ DB Death March 200 MB or Banded Hamstring Curls 5 Rounds 1 Round Pec Stick Cadence Breathing 20 Compression Situps 5:00 Tempo Bear Crawl Every time you break, max 1-Arm Ring Rows
Tuesday 9.10.19
GPP Tempo Deadlifts 7×3, 5 Sec Eccentric For Time 200 Meter Run 21 Deadlifts (105/155) 200 Meter Run 18 DB Strict Press (20/30) 200 Meter Run 15 Deadlifts (105/155) 200 Meter Run 12 DB Strict Press (20/30) 200 Meter Run 9 Deadlifts (105/155) 200 Meter Run 6 DB Strict Press (20/30) PERFORMANCE Tempo Deadlifts
Monday 9.9.19
GPP Tempo Back Squat 6 Sets of 2 Climbing to a moderate load. 5 second negative, 1 second pause in bottom. Hang Power Clean Heavy Set of 3 PERFORMANCE Tempo Back Squat 6 Sets of 2 Climbing to a moderate load. 5 second negative, 1 second pause in bottom. Hang Power Clean Heavy
Friday 9.6.19
GPP 1000m Row (5:00 Cap) 5 Rounds: 1:00 KBS (35/53) 1:00 Reverse Lunges 1:00 DB DL (25/40) 1:00 Minute Rest PERFORMANCE 1000m Row (5:00 Cap) 5 Rounds: 1:00 KBS (35/53) 1:00 Reverse Lunges 1:00 DB DL (35/50) 1:00 Minute Rest OPEN 1000m Row (5:00 Cap) 5 Rounds: 1:00 KBS (35/53) 1:00 Reverse
Thursday 9.5.19
15 Tosses for Max Distance Perform 15 reps for max distance per rep. Broad jump to the bag each time. For Quality 100m Zercher kettlebell carry 50 Wall ball shots (20lbs/14lbs, 10ft/9ft) – NASAL Breathing Only 100m Zercher kettlebell carry 50 Compression Situps 100m Zercher kettlebell carry 50 Box jumps (20″) OR Banded Walk
Wednesday 9.4.19
GPP Thruster Heavy Set of 3 For Time 2 Rounds: 400 Meter Run 21 Thrusters (45/65) PERFORMANCE Thruster Heavy Set of 3 For Time 2 Rounds: 400 Meter Run 21 Thrusters (65/95) OPEN Thruster Heavy Set of 3 For Time 2 Rounds: 400 Meter Run 21 Thrusters (65/95)
Tuesday 9.3.19
GPP AMRAP 15: 60 Single Unders 15 DB Power Cleans (20/35) 60 Double Taps 15 Toes to Bar/V-Ups PERFORMANCE AMRAP 15: 30 Double Unders 15 DB Power Cleans (25/40) 30 Double Unders 15 Toes to Bar OPEN AMRAP 15: 30 Double Unders 15 DB Power Cleans (25/40) 30 Double Unders 15 Toes to Bar