Saturday 6.4.16

50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10: Hang Power Cleans (135/95) Front Squats (135/95) Push Jerks (135/95) *After each full round, the team excecutes 20 Burpees together

Friday 6.3.16

Barbell Conditioning Teams of 3: A.AMRAP 7 of Push Press: 50 reps at 135/95 50 reps at 155/105 AMRAP at 185/135 3 min Rest B.AMRAP 7 of Front Squats: 50 reps at 135/95 50 reps at 155/105 AMRAP at 185/135 3 min Rest C.AMRAP 7 of Power Cleans: 50 reps at 135/95 50 reps at

Wednesday 6.1.16

For Time: Unbroken Sets of Deadlifts (225/155) *Bar can only and must be dropped after each completed unbroken set Conditioning Test 2 Minute Assault Bike Test (for calories)