Saturday 3.25.18
Teams of 3, AMRAP 20: 12 Calorie Row 9 Power Snatches (75/55) 6 Toes-to-Bar
Teams of 3, AMRAP 20: 12 Calorie Row 9 Power Snatches (75/55) 6 Toes-to-Bar
“Goat Day” EMOMx 20: Odd: Movement 1 Even: Movement 2 OR Row 9x 1:40 on, :20 off* Rest 2:00 after round 5 *This i s a preset WOD on the C2 Rower. Choose “Select Workout” then “Custom List” then “v1:40/20r…9.”
3×3 Power Clean 3×3 Front Squat Then, 3 RFT: 21/15 Calorie Row 15 Pull-ups 9 Burpees
For Time: 25 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 50 Sit-ups 100 Double-unders 20 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 40 Sit-ups 80 Double-unders 15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 30 Sit-ups 60 Double-unders 10 Kettlebell Swings (53/35#) 20 Sit-ups 40 Double-unders 5 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 10 Sit-ups 20 Double-unders
AMRAP 9: 12 Hang Power Cleans 9 Push Press 6 Thrusters 3 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters Rx – DB (50/35) L1/L2 – Coaches Choice
Teams of 2 must complete the following: 5 rounds for time 400m run – together 20 Hang power cleans @ 155/105. – switching every 5 reps
“Goat Day” EMOMx 20: Odd: Movement 1 Even: Movement 2 Or , if your skipping the Open EMOMx 20: 4 DB Power Cleans 4 DB Front Squats 4 DB Push Press “Goat” is CrossFit slang for a movement that challenges us. Examples: Double-Unders, Ring Dips, Pistols, etc. These are the best days to turn perceived
AMRAP 5: 2 Rounds: 5 Strict Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Sit-ups 100 Double Unders/Double Taps Max Cal Row in time remaining Rest 5:00 AMRAP 5: 2 Rounds: 5 Strict Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Sit-ups 100 Double Unders/Double Taps Max Cal Row in time remaining Two weeks ago we tested the CrossFit benchmark workout, Cindy, which
5 Rounds: 21 Calorie Row 15 Wallballs (20/14) 9 Deadlifts (185/135) Pushing our limits in the gym on a rower that goes nowhere allows us to get on bikes that can go anywhere with our children or grandchildren for a very long time. As an added bonus, doing wallballs and deadlifts allows us to pick
Practice your “Goat Day” EMOMx 20: Odd Min: Movement 1 Even Min: Movement 2 “Goat” is CrossFit slang for a movement that challenges us. Examples: Double-Unders, Ring Dips, Pistols, etc. These are the best days to turn perceived “weaknesses” into “strengths.” No better way to do that than today. We don’t improve our technique with