Friday 6.15.18

GPP 21-15-9: DB Hang Squat Cleans (35/25) 42-30-18: Push-ups 500m Row PERFORMANCE 21-15-9: DB Hang Squat Cleans (35/25) 42-30-18: Push-ups 500m Row   OPEN 21-15-9: DB Hang Squat Cleans (50/35) Handstand Push-ups 500m Row                                                             Goal: 10-18 Minutes                                 We will be working on muscular endurance today with a push\pull combination that will be kept very

Thursday 6.14.18

GPP AMRAP 15: 30 Calorie Row 20 DB Push Press (35/25) 10 DB Deadlifts (35/25) PERFORMANCE AMRAP 15: 30 Calorie Row 20 DB Push Press (40/30) 10 DB Deadlifts (40/30) OPEN AMRAP 18: 30 Calorie Row 20 DB Push Press (50/35) 10 DB Deadlifts (50/35) Goal: 5-8 Rounds Both hands have to work independently and

Wednesday 6.13.17

GPP Power Clean: 10 min to work to heavy single AMRAP 4:00: 400m Run 15 Burpees Over Bar Max Power Cleans (95/65) Rest 4:00 AMRAP 4:00: 400m Run 10 Burpees Over Bar Max Power Cleans (115/80) Rest 4:00 AMRAP 4:00: 400m Run 5 Burpees Over Bar Max Power Cleans (135/95)   PERFORMANCE Power Clean: 10

Tuesday 6.12.19

GPP 6 ROUNDS: 13 THRUSTERS (75/55) 14 PULL-UPS PERFORMANCE 6 ROUNDS: 13 THRUSTERS (95/65) 14 PULL-UPS OPEN 6 ROUNDS: 13 THRUSTERS (95/65) 14 PULL-UPS Goal: 8-14 Minutes This workout will test the efficiency of your gymnastics skills with pull-ups and your muscular endurance. Be sure to carefully follow the guidance of our coach on the

Monday 6.11.18

GPP AMRAP 25 Teams of 3:* 10 Sand Bag Zercher Reverse Lunges (5/side), 80/60 10 Alternating Wreck Bag Shoulders, 80/60 20 Lateral 2-foot Wreck Bag Hops (1 jump = 1 rep) 200m Run *Relay style, Athlete 2 can start once Athlete 1 leaves for the run PERFORMANCE AMRAP 25 Teams of 3:* 10 Sand Bag

Sunday 6.10.18

GPP For Time: 150/100 Cal Row* *Every Minute – 4 Burpees PERFORMANCE For Time: 150/100 Cal Row* *Every Minute – 4 Burpees OPEN For Time: 150/100 Cal Bike* *Every Minute – 4 Burpees This workout will work the boundary between the oxidative (aerobic) and glycolytic (anaerobic) pathways each time you switch. Maintaining steady pace and

Saturday 6.9.18

GPP 3 Rounds: 800m Run 21 DB Power Cleans (40/25) PERFORMANCE 3 Rounds: 800m Run 21 DB Power Cleans (50/35) OPEN 3 Rounds: 800m Run 21 DB Power Cleans (65/50) Goal: 16:00 to 25:00 This is a long workout rewarding the ability to pace and recovery on the run and maintain consistent movement during the

Friday 6.8.18

GPP “Jackie” 1,000m Row 50 Thrusters (45/35) 30 Pull-ups   PERFORMANCE “Jackie” 1,000m Row 50 Thrusters (45/35) 30 Pull-ups     OPEN “Jackie” 1,000m Row 50 Thrusters (45/35) 30 Pull-ups     Goal: 6:00 to 10:00 In this workout you will want to hold a 1:35 to 2:00 500m split. Unlike rowing for calories, this

Thursday 6.7.18

                    GPP “Annie’s on the Run” 100 DU or DT 50 Sit-ups 200m Run 80 DU or DT 40 Sit-ups 200m Run 60 DU or DT 30 Sit-ups 200m Run 40 DU or DT 20 Sit-ups 200m Run 20 DU or DT 10 Sit-ups 200m Run

Wednesday 6.6.18

GPP Building to a Heavy: 3-Position Power Snatch* *High Hang, Hang, Floor Cashout: EMOMx 12: Min 1: 40s Max Strict Pull-ups Min 2: 40s Max Hollow Rocks Min 3: 40s Max Strict HSPU or Strict Press   PERFORMANCE Building to a Heavy: 3-Position Power Snatch* *High Hang, Hang, Floor Cashout: EMOMx 12: Min 1: 40s