Saturday 5.20.17

RX L1 L2 AMRAP 15 minutes – divide reps however you want, one person works at a time 10 DB burpees (45\30) 20 Cal Row 50m sled push AMRAP 15 minutes – divide reps however you want, one person works at a time 10 DB burpees (30\15) 20 Cal Row 50m sled push AMRAP 15

Friday 5.19.17

RX L1 L2 2,000 Meter Row 200 Double-Unders 2,000 Meter Run 2,000 Meter Row 200 Double-Unders\Taps 2,000 Meter Run 1,000 Meter Row 200 Taps 1,000 Meter Run You can view our current schedule on our Box Calendar and Registration Board. You can login to our scheduling and manage your account with the Triib App from

Thursday 5.18.17

RX L1 L2  21-15-9 Dead Lifts, 225/155 400m run after each set.  21-15-9 Dead Lifts, 185/115 400m run after each set.  21-15-9 Dead Lifts, Coaches Choice 400m run\row after each set. You can view our current schedule on our Box Calendar and Registration Board. You can login to our scheduling and manage your account with

Wednesday 5.17.17

RX L1 L2 12 Rounds: Every 40 Seconds – 1 Power Clean (60%) Rest 4:00 12 Rounds: Every 40 Seconds – 1 Power Snatch (60%) Rest 4:00 For Time: 21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3: Unbroken Overhead Squats (95/65) This is Week 1 of a Power Clean and

Tuesday 5.16.17

RX L1 L2 Teams of 2 – 0-10 Minute: 1 Mile Run + Max Clean and Jerk (135/95) in remaining time 10-13 Minute: Rest 13-20 Minute: 800 Meter Run + Max Power Snatch (115/80) in remaining time 20-23 Minute: Rest 23-27 Minute: 400 Meter Run + Max Thrusters (95/65) in remaining time Teams of 2

Monday 5.15.17

RX L1 L2 3 Rounds: 30 Burpees 30 Pull-Ups 30 DB Thrusters (45/30) 3 Rounds: 30 Burpees 30 Pull-Ups\Ring Rows 30 DB Thrusters (30/15) 3 Rounds: 15 Burpees 15 Ring Rows 15 DB Thrusters (Coaches Choice) You can view our current schedule on our Box Calendar and Registration Board. You can login to our scheduling

Saturday 5.13.17

RX L1 L2 4 rounds for time 12 DB push jerks (50,35) 15 sit ups 18 box jumps (24,20) 4 rounds for time 12 DB push jerks (35,20) 15 sit ups 18 box jumps\steps (24,20) 4 rounds for time 12 DB push jerks (Coaches Choice) 15 sit ups 18 box steps (Coaches Choice) You can

Friday 5.12.17

RX L1 L2 100-80-60-40-20 DU 10-8-6-4-2 OHS, 135/95 5-4-3-2-1 Ring MU 100-80-60-40-20 DU\DT 10-8-6-4-2 OHS, 95/65 5-4-3-2-1 Strict Pull-Ups\Ring Dips 100-80-60-40-20 DT 10-8-6-4-2 OHS, (Coaches Choice) 5-4-3-2-1 Ring Rows\Ring Dips You can view our current schedule on our Box Calendar and Registration Board. You can login to our scheduling and manage your account with the

Thursday 5.11.17

Accessory and Balance Work 3 rounds Turkish get ups-5 each arm Planks (middle, side, side, continuous, no rest when switching)-:20 seconds each position RX L1 L2  5 Rounds: 500 Meter Row 15 Burpees 10 Front Squats (155/105)  5 Rounds: 500 Meter Row 15 Burpees 10 Front Squats (115/75)  5 Rounds: 500 Meter Row 15 Burpees