It is Supposed to be Hard – 12.4.17

When your deciding what for you is really worth chasing in life, it’s critical to remember a simple idea. “The hard thing” is, by nature, hard. Before you roll your eyes, realize that this isn’t a just a platitude. In fact, awareness to the difficulty of trying to realize a dream or far fetched goal doesn’t change a single thing about how challenging it is. Your awareness to the difficulty of your undertaking is a respectable perspective to have and is required in accomplishing your goals, but it cannot be traded in for some sort of help when adversity arises. Tests are still hard and reaching your potential is still equally as painstakingly challenging.

I’ll even take it a step further – even experience doesn’t help. Consider an Olympic hopeful in weightlifting who has recently performed a new personal best in the clean and jerk. Also consider a new lawyer who has just passed the bar exam. The tangible experience of accomplishing what was once impossible (a new personal best, completing the bar), doesn’t make the next personal record or winning their first case any easier.

The reality of the challenge is real, and if it wasn’t, well, it’s not a real challenge.

This very paradox is at the center of the most mindful practice anyone can embark on, which is to venture to the edge of their capacity in anything. This practice of growing the boundaries of your potential is guaranteed to challenge and deliver life’s most potent lessons. In fact, many would argue that as one pursues this mastery, not only do things not get easier, it gets HARDER.

This built in guarantee is both empowering and powerfully humbling. It’s part of the reason that most kids don’t become Major League short stops, entrepreneur, or doctors. When the adverse reality of the steps towards lofty goals become apparent it makes “most kids” choose an easier path. That’s why excellence is rare. Remember, the easy thing is to think it’d be nice to be a Major League short stop, entrepreneur, or doctor. The hard thing is to want those things and go out and do what is necessary and right to make it yours.

Recognizing this simple reality that knowing an undertaking will be difficult doesn’t change anything about it’s difficulty is important. Set out for your personal journey. Do the thing that demands the very best of you and makes you feel alive. This is the same thing that will allow you to offer the most to the world, your family, and the community you serve. The world needs you to do this thing.

When the adversity hits that you know is coming, don’t be alarmed at it’s bite. At least know, you’re right where you should be. Keep going!

If it’s found that your particular undertaking doesn’t present these harsh realities, one thing is certain. You aren’t doing everything you can. Go big!

Josh Wilson
