Wednesday 12.6.17

EMOMx10 Odd – Max Z Press Even – Max DB Rows EMOMx10 Odd – Max Ab Row\BB Rollout Even – Rest 3 Rounds – Sprint 250 Meters on ERG Max DB Front Squat – Rest 1:1 Today’s work is not about reps. Its about doing quality work and stimulating the CNS (Central Nervous System) and

Tuesday 12.5.17

AMRAP 3: 15 Calorie Row 15 Power Cleans Rest 3:00 AMRAP 3:00 12 Calorie Row 12 Power Cleans Rest 3:00 AMRAP 3:00 9 Calorie Row 9 Power Cleans Rx – (115/85)/(135/95)/(155/105) L1\L2 – Coaches Choice – Percentages for the power clean should be based off of your 1RM Clean. Your progression should be 40%, 50%,

Monday 12.4.17

4 Rounds: 5 Ring Muscle-ups 10 DB Squat Snatches 15 Box Jump-overs Rx – DB (55/35),BJO (24/20″),Ring MU L1 – DB (40/20),BJO/Step Over (24/20″), Toe-Nail Progression, Ring Rows L2 – Coaches Choice

Saturday 12.2.17

Every 5 minutes for 4 rounds 10 right arm DB hang power Snatch 10 Left arm DB hang power snatch 20 Lunges 20 Mountain Climbers Rx\L1\L2 **the DB hang power snatch should be a weight you can do for 10 UB reps per arm. **each round should be around 3 minutes of intense work (90%)

Thursday 11.30.17

For time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1: DB Hang Power Cleans + DB Push Jerks* Rx – (50\35) L1 – (40\20) L2 – Coaches Choice *Complete 10 unbroken DB Hang Power Cleans directly into 10 unbroken DB Push Jerks, then put down the DB’s – that is set one. Rest as little as needed to pick up the DB’s

Wednesday 11.29.17

EMOM 10, Alternating: 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off: Sumo Deadlifts Candlesticks Then, Dimmel Deadlifts and Barbell Rows 2 sets to failure Then, Hammer Curls and Air Squats 2 sets to failure Then, Shoulder\Lat Stability Instruction Rx\L1\L2 – See Notes Below Stability and durability are the name of the game today. We are not concerned

Tuesday 11.28.17

AMRAP 3: 21 Overhead Squats 21 Over-the-Erg Burpees Max Calorie Row Rest 3:00 AMRAP 3: 18 Overhead Squats 18 Over-the-Erg Burpees Max Calorie Row Rest 3:00 AMRAP 3: 15 Overhead Squats 15 Over-the-Erg Burpees Max Calorie Row Rest 3:00 AMRAP 3: 12 Overhead Squats 12 Over-the-Erg Burpees Max Calorie Row​​ Rx – (95/65)​,(115/80)​,(135/95)​,(155/105)​​ L1\L2 – Coaches