Sunday 2.11.18
5 Rounds: 10 Close Grip Push-ups 15 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows (each arm) (50/35) 20 Strict Presses (45/35) 25 Banded Pull-aparts 500 Meter Row
5 Rounds: 10 Close Grip Push-ups 15 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows (each arm) (50/35) 20 Strict Presses (45/35) 25 Banded Pull-aparts 500 Meter Row
5 Rounds: 1:00 Squat Cleans 1:00 Burpee Dumbbell Box Step-Ups 1:00 Situps 1:00 Rest Rx – DB (50/35), Box Steps (50/35) L1 – DB (40/20), Box Steps (40/20) L2 – Coaches Choice
AMRAP 18: 30 Push Jerks 30 Box Jumps 30 Calorie Row 30 Toes-to-Bar Rx – BB (115/80), Box (24/20″) L1 – BB (40% 1RM Push Jerk), Box (24/20″) L2 – Coaches Choice
Teams of 2, AMRAP 20: 60/40 Calorie Row 30 Kettlebell Swings 8 Rope Climbs Rx – (70/53) L1 – (53/35), 4 Ropes Climes or 8 Ring Pull-Ups L2 – Coaches Choice
Teams of 2: 10 rounds for time and total calories 9 DL 6 HPC 3 FS :30 sprint for max calories Rx – 155/105 L1 – 50% 1RM Deadlift L2 – Coaches Choice *Part 1 does the 9/6/3, then P2 dos the :30 sprint on ERG for 5 rounds then they switch roles and P2
5RFT: 10 Power Cleans 10 Bar-Facing Burpees Rx – (135/95) L1 – (40% 1RM Clean) L2 – Coaches Choice
21-15-9: Squat Snatch C2B Pull-ups Rx – (95/65), C2B L1 – (35% 1 RM), Pull-Ups L2 – Coaches Choice
Teams of 3: 10,000m Row* *Athletes change every 250m
Ascending Ladder for 10 Minutes: 3 DB Clean & Jerks (50/35) 3 Over-the-DB Burpees 6 DB Clean & Jerks 6 Over-the-DB Burpees 9 DB Clean & Jerks 9 Over-the-DB Burpees … and so on, until time expires.
20-18-16-12-10* Dumbbell Snatch (70/55) *After each round: 50 Double-unders