Wednesday 9.25.19

GPP   3:00 Clean and Jerks (30-50%) Rest 3:00 2:00 Clean and Jerks (30-50%) Rest 3:00 1 :00 Clean and Jerks (30-50%) PERFORMANCE 3:00 Clean and Jerks (30-50%) Rest 3:00 2:00 Clean and Jerks (30-50%) Rest 3:00 1 :00 Clean and Jerks (30-50%) OPEN 3:00 Clean and Jerks (30-50%) Rest 3:00 2:00 Clean and Jerks

Monday 9.23.19

Teams of 3, For Max Reps: 0:00 – 5:00 – Front Squats 5:00 – 10:00 – Row for Calories 10:00 – 13:00 – Rest 13:00 – 18:00 – Back Squats 18:00 – 23:00 – Row for Calories Front Squats: GPP (95/65), PERF (115/80), OPEN (Max 135/95) Back Squats: GPP (135/95), PERF (155/105),OPEN (Max 165/115)

It Never Stops Being Hard

As a coach, leader, husband, father and friend I am privileged to daily have the opportunity to be asked to help people or just listen to them talk about what challenging them. Whether the subject is about training, nutrition, relationships, recovery, work, school, or life in general, I am always amazed by a common theme

Saturday 9.21.19

GPP   AMRAP 5: 15-12-9 Power Snatches (45/65) Pull-ups rest 5 AMRAP 5: 15-12-9 Thrusters (45/65) Toes to Bar PERFORMANCE AMRAP 5: 15-12-9 Power Snatches (55/75) Pull-ups rest 5 AMRAP 5: 15-12-9 Thrusters (55/75) Toes to Bar   OPEN AMRAP 5: 15-12-9 Power Snatches (55/75) Pull-ups rest 5 AMRAP 5: 15-12-9 Thrusters (55/75) Toes to

Thursday 9.19.19

Strict Press Heavy single, BB or SB To Muscle End Range, not Joint End Range Breath Practice 8:00 of Team Work 7/10 Cal Bike then 10 Wallballs Nasal Only 3 Rounds ME DB Front Delt Raise + ME DB Side Delt Raise + ME DB Bent Delt Raise + ME Compression Situp

Wednesday 9.18.19

    GPP For Time: 1000m Row 200 SU 30 Deadlifts (135/95) 750m Row 100 SU 20 Deadlifts (135/95) 500m Row 50 Single Unders 10 Deadlifts (135/95) PERFORMANCE For Time: 1000m Row 100 Double Unders 30 Deadlifts (185/135) 750m Row 50 Double Unders 20 Deadlifts (185/135) 500m Row 25 Double Unders 10 Deadlifts (185/135) OPEN

Tuesday 9.17.19

GPP Strict Press 3×8   21-15-9 DB Power Clean 25/40 DB Push Press, 25/40   PERFORMANCE Strict Press 3×8   21-15-9 DB Power Clean 25/40 DB Push Press, 25/40   OPEN Strict Press 3×8   21-15-9 DB Power Clean 35/50 DB Push Press, 35/50  

Monday 9.16.19

GPPTurkish Get-Up Work to a moderate weight   35 WBS 30 DB Snatches (25/40) 20 Cal Row/Bike/Ski 10 C2B/Pendlay Row PERFORMANCETurkish Get-Up Work to a moderate weight   35 WBS 30 DB Snatches (25/40) 20 Cal Row/Bike/Ski 10 C2B OPEN Turkish Get-Up Work to a moderate weight   35 WBS 30 DB Snatches (35/50) 20