Tuesday 2.13.18

“Diane” 21-15-9: Deadlift Handstand Push-ups Rx – (225/155) L1 – (40% 1RM DL), HSPU/Pike HSPU L2 – Coaches Choice Diane”, much like yesterday’s “Jackie”, is a classical CrossFit.com benchmark. Created by the founder of CrossFit, Greg Glassman, “Diane” was first introduced in 2003. We are looking for a moderate load on the barbell that we could

Monday 2.12.18

“Jackie” 1,000m Row 50 Thrusters 30 Pull-ups Rx – (45/35) L1 – (45/35), Pull-Ups/Ring Rows L2 – Coaches Choice Jackie”, is a classical CrossFit.com benchmark. Created by the founder of CrossFit, Greg Glassman, “Jackie” was first introduced in 2004. You will want to pace the row so that the rest of the workout doesn’t suffer, keeping an

Saturday 2.10.18

5 Rounds: 1:00 Squat Cleans 1:00 Burpee Dumbbell Box Step-Ups 1:00 Situps 1:00 Rest Rx – DB (50/35), Box Steps (50/35) L1 – DB (40/20), Box Steps (40/20) L2 – Coaches Choice

Friday 2.9.18

AMRAP 18: 30 Push Jerks 30 Box Jumps 30 Calorie Row 30 Toes-to-Bar Rx – BB (115/80), Box (24/20″) L1 – BB (40% 1RM Push Jerk), Box (24/20″) L2 – Coaches Choice


Here is the greatest secret to success and catching whatever your wild rabbit is. And its cliché as heck, but it’s the truth. PATIENCE. I am fully, 100%, no-doubt-about-it projecting when I say, patience is of the utmost importance. I don’t have patience. Not an ounce of it. But, if you or I, or anyone