Saturday 12.9.17

Teams of 2 must complete the following: 20 Minute AMRAP 20/15 Cal Row 10 DB Thrusters, 40/20 per hand 10 T2B or V-Ups **alternate each movement for the 20 minutes P1 does cal row, the P2 does cal row, the P1 does 10 kb thrusters, P2 does 10 DB thrusters, then P1 does 10 T2B

Friday 12.8.17

“Open 16.4” AMRAP 13: 55 Deadlifts 55 Wallballs 55 Calorie Row 55 HSPU 17-54 Years Rx – DL(225/155),WB (20/14) 54-60+ Rx – DL(185/125),WB (14/10) – 9ft. Target DL Percentages are based on 45% of 1RM Max. Adjust DL weight accordingly.   

Wednesday 12.6.17

EMOMx10 Odd – Max Z Press Even – Max DB Rows EMOMx10 Odd – Max Ab Row\BB Rollout Even – Rest 3 Rounds – Sprint 250 Meters on ERG Max DB Front Squat – Rest 1:1 Today’s work is not about reps. Its about doing quality work and stimulating the CNS (Central Nervous System) and

Tuesday 12.5.17

AMRAP 3: 15 Calorie Row 15 Power Cleans Rest 3:00 AMRAP 3:00 12 Calorie Row 12 Power Cleans Rest 3:00 AMRAP 3:00 9 Calorie Row 9 Power Cleans Rx – (115/85)/(135/95)/(155/105) L1\L2 – Coaches Choice – Percentages for the power clean should be based off of your 1RM Clean. Your progression should be 40%, 50%,

Monday 12.4.17

4 Rounds: 5 Ring Muscle-ups 10 DB Squat Snatches 15 Box Jump-overs Rx – DB (55/35),BJO (24/20″),Ring MU L1 – DB (40/20),BJO/Step Over (24/20″), Toe-Nail Progression, Ring Rows L2 – Coaches Choice

Saturday 12.2.17

Every 5 minutes for 4 rounds 10 right arm DB hang power Snatch 10 Left arm DB hang power snatch 20 Lunges 20 Mountain Climbers Rx\L1\L2 **the DB hang power snatch should be a weight you can do for 10 UB reps per arm. **each round should be around 3 minutes of intense work (90%)

Thursday 11.30.17

For time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1: DB Hang Power Cleans + DB Push Jerks* Rx – (50\35) L1 – (40\20) L2 – Coaches Choice *Complete 10 unbroken DB Hang Power Cleans directly into 10 unbroken DB Push Jerks, then put down the DB’s – that is set one. Rest as little as needed to pick up the DB’s